U.S. President Donald Trump’s nationalist policies are breathing new life into South America’s efforts to open up its markets to the world, according to Brazil’s foreign minister. The Mercosur customs union plans to launch trade talks with Canada, India, and maybe South Korea and Japan in the next 18 months, while cutting its own red tape using more “pragmatism and less ideology,” Aloysio Nunes said on Friday. Source: Bloomberg Brazil’s Cemig seeks partner and IPO for two main units Cia Energética de Minas Gerais plans to sell a majority stake in two units and list them in São Paulo and New York in coming months, a move that could help Brazil’s third-largest power utility reduce debt and curb state interference, […]
Trump boosts South America trade talks, says Brazil’s Foreign minister
CIO Monthly October 2022: Accelerating Trust for Financial Services
Surge in dark data a growing danger for organizations
U.S. unions lodge first Mexico labor grievance under new NAFTA
The AFL-CIO, the biggest U.S. labor federation, on Monday...
Argentina’s cashless king targets Latin America’s unbanked millions
Digital banking startup Uala will double the size of...